Invoice needs to contain both invoicing address and delivery address. Fiskars purchase order (PO) number and/or Fiskars contact person name has to be stated on the invoice. Several legal entities in Fiskars are able to receive invoices as electronic invoices. Electronic invoices are the fastest, most practical and cost efficient way to receive purchase invoices.
See more detailed instructions for sending pdf-invoices at the end of this page.
Select the legal entity
PO Box 721
E-invoice id / OVT: 003702140365
Operator code: BAWCFI22
Operator: Basware Oyj Abp
Email address to send invoices: pdfinvoices.fiskars.fi01@bscs.basware.com
(Company code FI01)
VAT number FI02140365
PO Box 722
E-invoice id / OVT: 003719036089
Operator code: BAWCFI22
Operator: Basware Oyj Abp
Email address to send invoices: pdfinvoices.fiskars.fi02@bscs.basware.com
(Company code FI02)
VAT number FI19036089
PO Box 1205
E-invoice id / OVT: 003731031109
Operator code: BAWCFI22
Operator: Basware Oyj Abp
Email address to send invoices: pdfinvoices.fiskars.fi21@bscs.basware.com
(Company code FI21)
VAT number FI31031109
c/o Fiskars Oyj Abp
PO Box 130
00561 Helsinki
E-invoice id / OVT: N/A
Operator code: N/A
Operator: N/A
Email address to send invoices: N/A
(Company code FI06)
VAT number FI23729128
PO Box 724
E-invoice id / OVT: 003723729099
Operator code: BAWCFI22
Operator: Basware Oyj Abp
Email address to send invoices: pdfinvoices.fiskars.fi07@bscs.basware.com
(Company code FI07)
VAT number FI23729099
Weena 324
NL – 3012 NJ Rotterdam
E-invoice id: NL006116024B01
Operator code: BAWCFI22
Operator: Basware Oyj Abp
Email address to send invoices: pdfinvoices.fiskars.nl01@bscs.basware.com
(Company code NL01)
VAT number NL006116024B01
Korte Gasthuisstraat 24
BE – 2000 Antwerpen
E-invoice id: BE0893099883
Operator code: BAWCFI22
Operator: Basware Oyj
Email address to send invoices: pdfinvoices.fiskars.be01@bscs.basware.com
(Company code BE01)
VAT number BE0893099883
Ober der Mühle 6
DE – 42699 Solingen
E-invoice id: DE250283980
Operator code: BAWCFI22
Operator: Basware Oyj
Peppol: 9930:de250283980
Email address to send invoices: pdfinvoices.fiskars.de02@bscs.basware.com
(Company code DE02)
VAT number DE250283980
Kölner Strasse 10
65760 Eschborn
E-invoice id: 4027371000008
Operator code: BAWCFI22
Operator: Basware Oy
Peppol: 9930:de813675422
Email address to send invoices: pdfinvoices.fiskars.de01@bscs.basware.com
(Company code DE01)
Registration number 32545B5759
VAT number DE813675422
PO Box 063A3G004
Bitwy Warszawskiej 1920 nr 7
02-366 Warsaw
E-invoice id: 5909000073708
Operator code: BAWCFI22
Operator: Basware Oyj Abp
Email address to send invoices: pdfinvoices.fiskars.pl01@bscs.basware.com
(Company code PL01)
VAT number PL8390202306
When sending invoices to Fiskars Polska Sp. Z o.o., please always mention official office address on invoice.
Immeuble « Cap de Seine » –
45-47 boulevard Paul Vaillant-Couturier –
94205 Ivry sur Seine
E-invoice id / OVT: N/A
Operator code: N/A
Operator: N/A
Email address to send invoices: pdfinvoices.fiskars.fr01@bscs.basware.com
(Company code FR01)
VAT number: FR65312694391
Copernico Centrale, Via Copernico, 38
20125 Milano
E-invoice id / OVT: N/A
Operator code: N/A
Operator: N/A
Email address to send invoices: pdfinvoices.fiskars.it01@bscs.basware.com
(Company code IT01)
VAT number: IT01853010138
Italian domestic invoices should go to SDI portal:
INDIRIZZO PEC: fiskars@pec.fiskars.it
PO box 70510
7996 Fakturaservice
E-invoice id/GLN: 5790002265525
Operator code: BAWCFI22
Operator: Basware Oyj Abp
Peppol: 9902:dk26573572
Email address to send invoices: pdfinvoices.fiskars.dk03@bscs.basware.com
(Company code DK03)
VAT number DK26573572
Lørenfaret 1C, 0585 Oslo
(P.O Box 4386, 0402 Oslo)
E-Invoice address (interconnection): 9908:981338537
Email address to send invoices: pdfinvoices.fiskars.no02@bscs.basware.com
(Company code NO02)
VAT number NO981338537
FE 748
107 76 Stockholm
E-invoice id: 7317790000008
Operator code: BAWCFI22
Operator: Basware Oyj Abp
Email address to send invoices: pdfinvoices.fiskars.se01@bscs.basware.com
(Company code SE01)
VAT number SE556286047701
PO Box 12976
Unit 3 North City Business Park
N Road, Finglas
Dublin 11
E-Invoice address (interconnection): 9747868P
Email address to send invoices: pdfinvoices.fiskars.ie01@bscs.basware.com
(Company code IE01)
VAT number 9747868P
PO Box 334
Building 12
Vantage Point Business Village
GL14 9DQ
E-Invoice address (interconnection): UK946915581
Email address to send invoices: pdfinvoices.fiskars.GB09@bscs.basware.com
(Company code GB09)
VAT number UK946915581
PO Box 421145
Indianapolis, IN 46242
VAT number 39-1500309
Email address to send invoices: pdfinvoices.fiskars.us01@bscs.basware.com
(Company code US01)
PO Box 42098
Indianapolis, IN 46242
E-Invoice address (interconnection): N/A
Email address to send invoices: pdfinvoices.fiskars.us10@bscs.basware.com
(Company code US10)
Fiskars Canada, Inc.
PO Box No. 20074
900 Albion Rd, Unit 1, Bldg 1
Etobicoke, Ontario M9V 0A4
Email address to send invoices: pdfinvoices.fiskars.ca01@bscs.basware.com
(Company code CA01)
PO Box Number 20054
900 Albion Rd, Unit 1, Bldg 1
Etobicoke, Ontario, M9V 0A4
E-Invoice address (interconnection): N/A
Email address to send invoices: pdfinvoices.fiskars.ca02@bscs.basware.com
(Company code CA02)
Kowa Nibancho Bldg 4F, 11-19
Nibancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
E-Invoice address (interconnection): N/A
Email address to send invoices: N/A
(Company code JP02)
VAT number 5010001032458
Jalan Raya Serang KM 29.9
Tangerang, BANTEN
E-Invoice address (interconnection): N/A
Email address to send invoices: N/A
(Company code ID01)
VAT number 092100419
Ulica talcev 1
3250 Rogaška Slatina
VAT SI46716343.
Email address to send invoices: saso.ilic@fiskars.com
When sending invoices via email few things to remember:
- Invoices are to be attached as PDFs and one PDF is to contain one invoice. Any invoice attachments should be scanned to the same PDF file as the invoice.
- Sending invoices in any other format than PDF is not allowed and will not be processed.
- Several (max. 100) PDF invoices can be included in one email and each of the PDF will be processed as one invoice.
- The email content can be left blank as only PDF attachments will be processed.
- In case the email does not contain PDF attachments, Basware Scan and Capture will send an error notification reply to the sent invoice email, and the sender needs to take corrective actions.
- Only invoices should be delivered to the service and any other information, including additional non-PDF attachments, are discarded without notification. The PDF attachment filenames cannot contain the following characters: [ /, \,?, %, *, :, |, ”, <, > ].
- Email size cannot exceed 10MB and emails larger than this are discarded with a notification to the sender.
- PDF file versions older than v1.4 are not supported. Unsupported files are delivered to the customer without extraction and validation.