In this section you will find Fiskars Group’s key financial information, such as long-term financial targets, key figures, financial position and guidance.

Five years in figures

Net salesEUR million1,157.11,129.81,248.41,254.31,116.2
   of which outside FinlandEUR million1,055.11,024.01,136.01,142.01,021.9
   in percent of net sales   %91.290.691.091.091.5
   export from FinlandEUR million20.221.220.424.220.1
Change of net sales, %   %2.4-9.5-0.512.42.4
Gross profitEUR million517.0511.4555.9539.8452.0
   % of net sales   %44.745.344.543.040.5
  % of net sales%3.28.710.811.48.8
Comparable EBITEUR
Comparable EBITDAEUR
Change in fair value of biological assetsEUR million6.
Financial items netEUR million-25.2-24.0-11.70.0-8.9
  % of net sales   %-2.2-2.1-0.90.0-0.8
Profit before taxesEUR million18.579.7124.1144.189.8
  % of net sales   %
Income taxEUR million8.9-9.7-25.0-56.5-21.3
Profit for the period attributable to the equity
holders in the parent company
EUR million27.169.998.286.667.6
   % of net sales   %
Non-controlling interestsEUR million0.
Employee benefitsEUR million301.8289.2289.0293.7262.9
Depreciation, amortization and impairmentEUR million82.566.059.461.676.1
   % of net sales   %
Cash flow from operating activitiesEUR million112.3220.8-61.4122.9199.2
Capital expenditureEUR million52.550.848.134.430.0
   % of net sales   %
Research and development costs in income statementEUR million18.819.820.815.516.5
   % of net sales   %
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent companyEUR million792.2819.9831.6812.1757.8
Non-controlling interestEUR million4.
Equity totalEUR million796.5823.7835.6816.3761.6
Net interest-bearing debtEUR million493.9446.7325.3144.4143.7
Net debt/LTM EBITDA excl. IACratio2.552.541.550.670.78
Working capitalEUR million281.2304.2337.2164.5134.2
Balance sheet totalEUR million1,711.11,754.91,585.41,435.51,342.0
Return on investment   %3.78.712.115.39.9
Return on equity   %3.48.412.011.19.0
Equity ratio   %46.546.952.756.956.8
Net gearing   %
Personnel (FTE), average 6,4466,1336,2736,0816,104
Personnel, end of period 6,8507,1626,5956,6906,411
   of which outside Finland 5,8086,0845,4325,5795,348