Combination of share series
Fiskars Corporation’s shares are traded in the Large Cap segment of Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd. The Company has one series of shares following the combination series A and K shares in July 2009. After the combination all shares carry one vote each and have equal rights. New single class shares became subject to public trading as of July 31, 2009 with a trading code FIS1V (earlier FISAS and FISKS). Fiskars changed its stock symbol to FSKRS effective January 2, 2017.
In connection with the combination of the share series, a free share issue was directed to the holders of series K shares. In the share issue, the holders of series K shares received one share free of charge for each five series K shares. As a result, a total of 4,513,141 new shares were issued.
The share combination further involved the merger of Agrofin Oy Ab into Fiskars Corporation. As a merger consideration, in total 11,863,964 new shares were issued to the shareholders of Agrofin Oy Ab. At the same time, the 11,863,964 shares, transferred to the Company in connection to the execution of the merger, were cancelled.