Management's transactions
Fiskars Group’s Insider Policy, approved by the Board of Directors, outlines the policy related to trading in Fiskars Group’s shares by all employees, executives and directors. Fiskars Group publishes without undue delay all transactions made by the senior management and their closely associated persons by issuing a stock exchange release. In addition, the holdings of Fiskars Group’s shares by the Board of Directors, President & CEO and the CFO and their controlled entities and their managed entities (not controlled, but substantially equivalent economic interests) are displayed in the table below, subject to consent of the relevant person.
Fiskars Group’s senior management are subject to a number of trading restrictions and rules, including, prohibition to trade in Fiskars Group’s shares during a period of 30 calendar days prior to the release of the interim and the year-end report, including the day of the release. In addition, Fiskars Group’s sets trading restrictions based on participation in insider projects.
Information regarding management’s transactions are updated on this page without undue delay after the transaction.
Instructions for senior management and their closely associated persons
Fiskars Group’s senior management and their closely associated persons (referred to in the Market Abuse Regulation ((EU) No 596/2014, ”MAR”) are requested to follow the below instructions for notifying transactions as of July 3, 2016.
Senior management, as outlined in Fiskars Group’s Insider Policy, must notify Fiskars and the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority (FIN-FSA) of every transaction in Fiskars Group’s shares conducted on his/her own account. The notifications shall be made promptly and no later than two (2) business days after the date of the transaction. Fiskars Group recommends that an informal notice is given to the company on the same day, after the transaction has taken place. The actual notification should be created through FIN-FSA’s electronic services and sent to Fiskars at the latest within two business days after the date of the transaction.
Instructions for filling the transaction notification form (as of January 13, 2022)
1. Please fill in the transaction notification form (electronic form)
FIN-FSA’s electronic services: https://asiointi.finanssivalvonta.fi/en/login
Information needed in the form:
- Fiskars Corporation LEI code: 743700BKTW4EQIVKYY42
- Fiskars Corporation share shortname: FSKRS
- Fiskars Corporation share ISIN-code: FI0009000400
- Notification reference: Generated automatically by the form (no need to fill in)
2. Please send notification to Fiskars promptly after the transaction
- Save the form filled in the electronic services as a PDF file
- Send the PDF file attached to an e-mail to management.transactions@fiskars.com
- Please add your phone number to the e-mail message in case Fiskars has questions about the notification.
After receiving the notification Fiskars Group will issue a stock exchange release on the transaction without undue delay. Fiskars Group intends to publish all transactions notified, unless specifically requested not do so for transactions below EUR 5,000. However, the notification obligation begins, when the threshold of EUR 5,000 per a calendar year is met. Stock exchange releases related to management’s transactions are available on this webpage.
More information on the regulation concerning the notifications of senior management and their closely associated persons’ transactions is available at: finanssivalvonta.fi/en/regulation/regulatory-framework/markkinoiden-vaarinkayttoasetus/managers-transactions/