Corporate Governance
Fiskars Corporation is a Finnish public limited company in which duties and responsibilities are defined according to the Finnish law. Fiskars Group comprises the parent company Fiskars Corporation, and its subsidiaries. The statutory governing bodies of Fiskars Corporation are the General Meeting of Shareholders, the Board of Directors, the Managing Director (President and CEO), and the Auditor. Other Group management supports the statutory governing bodies of Fiskars Corporation. The Company’s domicile is Raseborg, Finland.
Corporate governance at Fiskars Corporation is based on the Finnish Limited Liability Companies Act, the rules and regulations concerning publicly listed companies, the Company’s Articles of Association, the charters of the Company’s Board of Directors and its Committees, and the rules and guidelines of Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd.
Fiskars Corporation is a member of the Finnish Securities Market Association and complies, with an exception concerning the Nomination Committee, with the Finnish Corporate Governance Code approved by the Securities Market Association, which came into force on January 1, 2020 and can be reviewed at www.cgfinland.fi. In terms of the composition of the Nomination Committee, the Company has departed from the Recommendation 15 of Finnish Corporate Governance Code as explained in more detail in section “Board Committees”.