Stock exchange release
March 20, 2006
FISKARS ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS 2006 The Annual General Meeting of shareholders approved the financial statements for 2005 on March 20, 2006. The members of the Board and the President were discharged from liability for the financial year 2005. It was decided to pay a dividend of 0.45 euro per share for A-shares and 0.43 euro per share for K-shares. The record date for the dividend is March 23, 2006. The dividend will be paid on March 30, 2006. It was decided that the number of Board members be seven. Mr. Kaj-Gustaf Bergh, Mr. Alexander Ehrnrooth, Mr. Paul Ehrnrooth, Ms. Ilona Ervasti-Vaintola, Mr. Gustaf Gripenberg, Mr. Karl Grotenfelt, and Mr. Olli Riikkala were re-elected. The term of the Board members will expire at the end of the Annual General Meeting in 2007. KPMG Oy Ab was elected auditor. The Annual General Meeting decided to authorize the Board of Directors to acquire at the Helsinki Exchanges, within the period of one year from March 20, 2006, a maximum of 5,494,449 of the company's own shares of series A and a maximum of 2,256,570 of series K in a proportion deviating from the shareholders' existing proportionate holdings at share prices quoted on the Helsinki Exchanges at the time of such acquisition. The Annual General Meeting decided to authorize the Board of Directors to decide within the period of one year from March 20, 2006 to sell a maximum of 5,494,449 Fiskars shares of series A and a maximum of 2,256,570 Fiskars shares of series K acquired to the company. Convening after the Annual General Meeting, the Board elected Olli Riikkala its chairman and Alexander Ehrnrooth and Paul Ehrnrooth vice chairmen. The Board appointed Gustaf Gripenberg chairman of the Audit Committee and its other members Alexander Ehrnrooth, Paul Ehrnrooth and Ilona Ervasti-Vaintola. The Board appointed Olli Riikkala chairman of the Compensation Committee and its other members Kaj-Gustaf Bergh and Karl Grotenfelt. Due to the shareholder structure of the corporation the Board decided not to appoint a Nomination Committee. Fiskars Corporation will publish the Interim Report January to March, on May 12, 2006. Heikki Allonen President and CEO